Enrichment Data Software - Discover New Leads

Find leads from company lists. Perfect for B2B, Sales & Growth Hackers. Ideal for cold email prospecting. Export leads to Excel with business data.

Discover the features

Discover the main features of our product below:

  • Upload a list of domains and get the emails
  • Export companies data to CSV
  • Find B2C local businesses with their emails
  • Export to CSV & Excel
  • Get emails, first name, last name, phone number, social media links, and more
  • Access to more than +15M companies B2B by market and size
  • Extact local businesses from Google Maps
  • Find company domains from names
  • Get all employees emails from a list of domains
  • Send all the data to your CRM via Zapier
  • Get fresh and accurate data
  • Export phones & emails

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When you purchase our product, you'll receive full and unlimited access to all its features, without any limitations.
Rest assured, we prioritize speedy support. While response times may vary depending on complexity, most support requests receive a prompt resolution within minutes to a few hours.
You have complete control! Easily cancel your subscription at any time through your dashboard, without any hassle.
Absolutely! Invoices are automatically generated upon product upgrades or monthly subscription renewals.
Absolutely! We value your input. Feel free to reach out to us with your ideas, and if they align with our vision, we'll consider implementing them in our product. Your feedback matters, even if it takes time to implement new features.

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